Hi again, it's Margriet. In this video I want to talk to you about interactions. Now you might have already come across interactions between variables when you learned about ANOVA. Um an interaction basically describes a situation where the influence of a predictor on the outcome variable depends on another predictor. So interactions are about relationships between predictors. And how two or more predictors together influence the outcome variable. Um, as an example, let's imagine modeling plant growth. As a function of two of two predictors, water use and exposure to sun. Now neither of these predictors alone will have a great effect on on plant growth. It's only if there is both water and sun that a plant will grow. So the influence of the sun exposure predictor critically depends on the water use predictor and the other way round. So. We can incorporate an interaction by multiplying the two predictors, and for that we use this Asterix sign. So here we have the equation of a model with two predictors, this is an example of multiple regression, right? And so we have X1 and X2. I haven't bothered with the error term here. Now and to incorporate an interaction, you multiply the two predictors by each other. So X 1 * X 2 and this is what this looks like. So here we have. The Intercept effect of. The first predictor, the second predictor. And here we have the interaction term X 1 * X Two. And regression will then estimate the corresponding slope for this new term, right? For this new, so the better erm Beta 3 here. And the numerical value of this slope describes the strength, the strength of this multiplicative multiplicative multiplicative effect. So when beta three is close to 0. The interaction is weak and the further away it is from zero, the stronger the interaction effect. Now in psychology interactions are sometimes called moderator variables because they moderate the effects of other predictors. You can think of it this way by multiplying two predictors with each other, you effectively interlock them and the coefficient beta three specifies how the two predictors are interlocked. Now in the video about multiple regression, we looked at a study by winter and colleagues er 2017 on iconicity. So you might remember that iconicity describes the degree to which a word form resembles its meaning, so. Onomatopoeic words like bang and beep. They are iconic because this sound an what they describe. Now, one outcome of the analysis we looked at then also had words with more sensory content were on average more iconic than words with less sensory content. Now in the plot on the slide, the relationship between iconicity on the Y axis. and. Sensory experience ratings is shown separately for nouns on the left and verbs on the right. Now the lines inside these plots, they show the linear model fits of a simple regression model. So as iconicity. Iconicity is a functional sensory experience rating for only nouns on the left, or only verbs on the right. So basically we have two regression models here. Now the regression models estimate the slopes to be .63 for verbs and .12 for nouns. So the fact that sensory experience rating predicts iconicity differently depending on the part of speech. Some nouns versus verbs that hints at an interaction. But you cannot simply compare the slopes of separate models. You have to model the interaction explicitly within one model. So. Let's first model the iconicity data as a function of sensory experience rating and part of speech without of the interaction term. So that's what we do here, right? Iconicity as a functional sensory experience rating and part of speech noun versus verb. That as kind of two separate predictors. And so this is what we get. Let's then spend a little bit of time interpreting these coefficients. So first, here we have to intercept. And which is the prediction for nouns with sensory rate experience ratings of 0 and you know that nouns are the Intercept. Or the reference level because it says. Part of speech POSverb here in the output. Also, you also know it because N comes before V in the alphabet, so it will have taken the noun level. As the reference level. And a positive slope here of .60 shows that verbs are more iconic than nouns and that is in this case in this model, regardless of which value of sensory experience rating you consider there. So this is visible in the plot in that the lines for nouns and verbs are parallel. So then we have, so that's the Intercept. But here we have the sensory rate sensory experience rating, slope that's estimated to be .23. That indicates a positive relationship between iconicity and sensory experience. And we can indeed seem kind of upward sloping line. Um, if you remember what the slopes of the individual. Models for simple regression models for nouns and verbs were like then you might remember that this .23 is in between the slope for nouns only, which was .12 and the one for verbs only, which was .63. From the previous slides. It's a bit closer to the slope of the of the noun model because there are more nouns in the data set. So now we have, so we've modelled an intercept, we've modelled The Predictor sensory experience rating and suggest that this positive so lot of slightly positive and then we have here this part of speech predictor and it basically says because it's positive and verb. Noun is the reference level verbs are. More iconic than nouns because there is no interaction terms. These lines are parallel. And by not including the interaction term, the model ends up mischaracterizing the sensory experience rating slope for both lexical categories, right? Remember this. Well, we have two individual models. Did this this regression slopes are kind of appropriate for the different categories, but we don't see that in if we put them together in a model because we haven't included this interaction term. OK, so let's now do that and include an interaction term so. We do. We specify that by including the asterisks in the model here. And the most striking difference is the fact that the two lines are no longer parallel. So this means that sensory experience is estimated to have different effects on iconicity for nouns and verbs. It also means that the degree to which nouns and verbs differ from each other in terms of iconicity depends on what sensory experience rating value you're looking at. And if you just look at the difference between these lines, so the solid black line for nouns and the dashed line for verbs, and you look at that here. Here exactly at this at the Intercept verbs are less iconic then nouns, and if you then look across the X axis, you see that that changes. And here verbs are more iconic, so for different levels of sensory experience rating. The difference between verbs and nouns changes. It basically means you cannot interpret each of the predictors in isolation anymore. You have to look at them together. So let's look at the coefficients here on the right, and there is a coefficient for each predictor. And there is an additional coefficient. That uhm. That that that that is for the interaction term. So it is. colon here indicates that we're talking about the interaction term, so that is the coefficient for the interaction term. And we of course we have to intercept here. Remember that is the prediction for nouns with zero sensory experience rating. That is the intercept so crucially, now the lines are not parallel anymore. The meaning of the Sensory experience rating predictor and the part of speech predictor are have changed right? So and the slopes. The interpretation of the slopes has changed, so for the. Sensory experience rating slope that is not a slope of sensory experience, only for nouns. And the slope that goes with the position of speed, uh part of speech effect is the noun verb difference only for words with zero sensory experience. But how can we interpret the coefficient of the interaction term? So in this context, it is appropriate to think of this coefficient as a. Slope adjustment term. So the coefficient here is .51, which means that the sensory experience rating slope is steeper for verbs. So adding the .51 interaction term to the slope for the nouns. .12 yields the slope for the verbs, which is .63. Or put differently, the verbs get an additional boost with respect to the sensory experience rating effect. OK, now interpretation of models with interactions is often easier when you center the continuous predictor. So you might remember from a previous video that centering sets the intercept to the mean. So if you center the sensory experience ratings, you put the Intercept to the center of kind of the mass of this data. Of all these data points, right? So you can see that here on the right. So notice how this central sensory experience rating value. For this. For this central sensory experience rating value, verbs are actually more iconic than nouns. So this is arguably a better characterization of the noun verb difference than evaluating this difference at a sensory experience rating of zero, as as is the case in the uncentered model. In particular because. There isn't even any data at zero because the scale started at one. So centering sensory experience ratings has reversed the sign of the Coefficient. For the part of speech predictor. So that is now, here. .72 and it that is now more meaning, that that is now a more meaningful interpretation. Because it is the difference between nouns and verbs for words with average sensory rating experience ratings. So rather than difference between nouns and verbs with some arbitrary rating of 0 that doesn't exist. So you can see that here. Then the way the lines are fitted and the way it is represented. I'm guess you better characterization of what is going on in the data. So the motto can be: if in doubt, center you continues variable. Now. Important to know is that in R, there're alternative ways of specifying interactions in regression models. And there are two different ways of doing this in the model formulas. So in this is what we what we used in the previous slide. And you might wonder where the main effects of in this case sensory experience rating and part of speech have gone. This is basically a compressed form. A compressed form of this. So. Here, it spells out that you have a main effect of sensory experience rating and of part of speech, and then throws a third term that. involves the interaction. So they do exactly the same thing, and the first one is just kind of a quicker. It's a bit of a shortcut, and so if you put in this it will, R will automatically include these terms as well. You just don't have to write them down. As with some other kind of shortcuts in R, in particular, in the beginning it is. It's a good idea to use this slightly longer form. You know just to make it clear to yourself what what is in the model. OK, so in summary, interactions describe a situation where the influence of a predictor on the response depends on another predictor, so it looks at the relationships between predictors and their combined effect on the outcome variable. And in the in the formula that is characterized by multiplying those two predictors and and that involves the asterisk, the asterisk. In R, in the model formula there is two options and. This is kind of the short version and this is the long version. Remember that it is makes it easier to interpret your model if you have interactions. If you center your continuous predictor. And it's also important to remember that if an interaction in your model is significant, you can't interpret the predictors in isolation anymore. You have to look at their combined effect. And you can think of the slope for the interaction effect as a slope adjustment term when you move from one category to the other category. Thank you very much for your attention.