Hi, it's Margriet In a previous lecture we looked at the interaction between a continuous predictor and categorical predictor. Now in this video I want to look at the interaction between two continuous predictors. I'll just change my pointer. There we go. Now from last time you might remember this example where we imagined modeling plant growth as a function of the two predictors. Water use and sunlight. Neither of these predictors by themselves will have a great effect on plant growth only if there is both water and sunlight, the plant will grow. So that is the influence of the sun exposure predictor. Critically depends on the water use predictor and vice versa. Now here is the equation of a model with two variables X1 and X2 without the error term. And to incorporate the interaction you might remember that we use, we multiply the two predictors. So we multiply X1 first predicted by X2, and regression will then estimate the corresponding slope for this new predictor. So that is beta three. That is, the slope of the interaction effect. Now that slope describes the strength of of this kind of multiplicative effect. So when beta three is close to 0, the interaction. Is weak, but the further away from zero it is, either positive or negative. The stronger the interaction effect. OK, today another example involving iconicity. But this time will use the data from a paper by Sidhu and  Paxman published in 2018. So. Um, these researchers, they discovered they looked at the effect of sensory experience or iconicity. But in addition, they considered the role of what's psycholinguists called the semantic neighborhood density. Now that term describes the idea that there is that for certain regions in your mental lexicon where there are lots of words, so it's quite crowded or dense and all those words are connected. to each other by virtue of having similar meanings. And other areas of your mental lexicon will have fewer words with similar meanings, and are therefore sparser. So have a lower semantic neighborhood density. Now it has been proposed that. Iconicity may lead to confusion because with many iconic forms, similar meanings will also sound similar. So therefore it's been proposed that  Sidhu and Paxman reasoned that language should be biased against iconicity, specifically in semantically dense neighborhoods. So where there is lots of opportunity for confusion. In sparse neighborhood, iconicity is not so dangerous as there is less opportunity for confusion between concepts. OK, so now let's load the data from Sidhu and Pexman into R And this is what the table looks like, so there are four columns four variables here we have the word variable and that is just the different items that are in the data set. We have the SER variable that you might recognize from. Previous examples so that contains the sensory experience ratings. Then we have the iconicity ratings here and the new one is this ARC variable. ARC stands for average radius, radius of Co occurrence and is the measure for semantic neighborhood density. So small values of ARC mean that this semantic neighborhood is sparse and large values mean that it's semantic neighborhood is dense. Now the hypothesis was that given that iconicity can lead to confusion, words with large ARC values open dense neighborhoods should be less iconic. OK, so let's fit the model with sensory experience and neighborhood density as predictors and well, we're including their interaction term, and you might recognize this. Formula notation here. As kind of the shorthand, we could also see say, SER + ARC plus SER, colon, ARC. So this is just shorthand for that now below here you see the coefficients for for this model. So there is the intercept and that is the predicted iconicity rating of a word with zero sonsory experience and zero neighborhood density. And we have the slope for SER. We have the slope for ARC an etc etc. Um and we have to the slope for the interaction effect. So this model is hard to interpret for two reasons. First of all, the predictors aren't centered, so that means that SCR and or sensory experience and semantic neighborhood density are reported for some arbitrary 0. Um, and in this case it really, the zero doesn't make much sense. Words without any sensory experience rating don't really exist, and neither do words that do not have any neighbors. So words in and segmented neighborhood density of zero also don't exist, so they don't. That zero is arbitrary and doesn't make any sense. And Secondly, so the second reason why this model is hard to interpret is that the slopes so that the magnitude of the SL of the sensory experience and semantic neighborhood slopes are difficult to compare because each variable has a different metric. So the one unit change is a different step size for each variable. Now we can do something about that. We can standardize our continuous predictors and that is what you see on the slide here. So here at the top you can see the codes that does that and here on the right you see the two variables that now have now been added, and this underscore Z just stands for kind of standardized units. So here we have the standardized version of the sensory experience variable. And here we have the standardized version of the. Censoring semantic neighborhoods variable. If you can't quite remember what centering and standardizing are about, then please revisit an earlier video about that. Um, OK, so now that we've standardized our predictors we can refit the model. So here you see. The code that does that again, so now we're using these standardized predictors. Here, again using the shorthand notation. Now let's have a look at these coefficients down here. So in this model they sense semantic neighborhood density and the sensory experience coefficients are shown for each others respective averages. Because the meaning of 0 has changed for both variables because we sent it to date the predictors. So after Centering Zero, Sensory experience is now the mean sensory experience rating. And O for cementing, neighborhood is now the mean semantic neighborhood density. Now let's first look at the slopes for sensory experience and. Semantic neighbor density. So the slope for sensory experience is 0.07, that is positive. And that means that words in. That more perceptual words are more iconic. Which kind of confirms earlier findings. Now the ARC underscore Z Slope so a slope for semantic neighbor density is negative If it's minus -0.32 and, that means that words in denser neighborhoods are predicted to be less iconic. Now that, fits with the prediction that the authors had. So moving on to the interactions are at the bottom there an. He the slope is negative again, so it's minus 0.06, seven or six 8. and That you can read that in the following way, so when both. sensory experience and semantic neighbor density increase words are actually predicted to be less iconic. Because it's the slope is negative. So in a way that the two effects cancel each other out. Now it it helps to think about one variable at a time when you're interpreting an interaction. So considering what the interaction means for that variable. So for example, if we take a sensory experience slope. On its own, it's positive, but your interactions negative, so the effect of sensory experience is diminished. For high levels of semantic neighborhood density. Or put differently, in dense semantic neighborhoods, there is less of a sensory experience effect. Now. And the interpretation of semantic of interactions can be facilitated by visualizing. The effects and Sidhu and Pexman opted to visualize at the interaction via partial plot, where the relationship between semantic experience rating and iconicity is shown for representative levels of the semantic neighborhood density. So we have sensory experience on the X axis. We have iconic iconicity ratings on the Y axis and we have 3 lines for three kind of representative values of the semantic net neighborhood density measure. So here we have the average semantic neighbor density. Here we have sparse densities as neighborhood density, and here we have dense semantic neighborhood density. So for for high levels of semantic neighborhood density. This line is pretty flat, so the relationship between iconicity and sensory experience rating is very weak. and, for kind of intermediate levels of semantic neighborhood density, there is a weak positive relationship. And for. The. Sparse semantic neighborhood densities. There is actually strongly positive relationship between sensory experience ratings and iconicity. Now. This in this plot the authors have just chosen three what they considered. Representative values of this continuous variable semantic neighborhood density. In a perspective plot that you can see here on the right that it takes into account all the values of all the all the three variables so they take a little bit of getting used to when interpreting. So let me talk you through it. We basically have 3 axis, so it's a 3D plot and we have iconicity. On the Y axis. We have a. Sensory experience rating on this axis and then we have. Semantic neighborhood density on this axis. So if we just focus on the relationship between sensory experience rating and iconicity, we look at that low value of er very high values of. Semantic neighbor density. So if we look at this end of the plot, this bottom edge, then you can see that this line is pretty flat, so not much going on. On the other hand, if you move up to kind of a very sparse semantic neighborhood density, then. This line is, it is. Moderately positive or even strongly positive so. The relationship between. Semantic, sorry, the relationship between sensory experience rating and iconicity varies depending on where along the semantic neighborhood density. Axis you look. And in a plot like this. That is, is visualised quite nicely. Now, interpreting an interaction takes a little bit of time, so it is. It is really worth it to consider what the individual coefficients mean and trying to use different plots to show these show these effects. OK, in summary. We looked at a different type of interaction between two continuous variables. And it's really important to remember to center and standardize your continuous predictors to facilitate the interpretation of the model. Then I'll be. I will reiterate that it is important to spend some time interpreting the coefficients. And Please remember that if the interaction is significant, you can't really interpret the predictors in isolation anymore. And finally, excuse me finally, the slope for the interaction can be read as if both predictors increase. Then something happens to the outcome variable. OK, that's it for now. Thank you very much for your attention.