7. Kruskal-Wallis test and Friedman’s ANOVA

Amy Atkinson


This page is under construction for 24/25 and may be subject to change before the teaching week.


Watch part 1 here

Watch part 2 here

Download the lecture slides here

Post-lecture activity

Find the post-lecture worksheet here and the answers here

Lab preparation

Watch the preparation video here

Download the files discussed in the video here


Download the lab materials here

Research Question 1

You are a psychology lecturer. You hear that the library is offering three statistics courses. You are interested in whether students who attend the courses perform significantly differently from each other.

You recruit 18 people and assign each one to a course. After the courses are finished, you ask them to write an R script. You time how long it takes students to complete the task. You are interested in whether there is a significant effect of course on the time taken to complete the task.

Research Question 2

You are a developmental psychologist. You are interested in whether working memory develops between 15 and 17 years of age.

You recruit a sample of adolescents and test them on a working memory task when they are 15 years of age, 16 years of age, and 17 years of age.

You then examine whether there is a significant effect of age on working memory score.

A template for running the Kruskal-Wallis test and Friedman’s ANOVA

  1. Load packages and data
  2. Normality checks
  3. Explore your data (e.g. descriptive statistics, a plot)
  4. Conduct the statistical test
  5. Conduct post-hoc tests
  6. Interpret your data

Upload your script

You can upload your finished script for feedback on your code here and feedback will be posted onto Moodle.

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