5. Week 16 – Hypotheses, associations

Written by Rob Davies


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Week 16: Introduction

Welcome to your overview of our work together.

We will complete four classes in weeks 16-19.


Putting it all together

  • These classes are designed to help you to revise and to put into practice some of the key ideas and skills you have been developing in the first year research methods modules PSYC121, PSYC123 and PSYC124.
  • We will do this in the context of a live research project with potential real world impacts: the Clearly Understood project.

We will present our PSYC122 lessons in the context of a real research project because we think that this context will help you to make sense of the data, and it will help you to see why we ask you to practice the skills we are teaching.

We will be revisiting some of the ideas and techniques you have seen introduced in previous classes. This will give you the opportunity to revise and consolidate your learning. We will extend your development with some new ideas, to help you to strengthen your skills.

We will observe real scientific findings using the data we will collect together. These new findings will ultimately show health providers how to communicate their advice more effectively.

Our learning goals


In Week 16, we will ask you to do three things.

  • First we will ask you to do a pre-lab activity that involves completing a survey.
  • Second we will ask you to do a set of practical tasks in the lab activity that are designed to consolidate your learning on data visualization.
  • Third we will ask you to think critically about potential associations between measures of individual differences and measures of how well people understand health information.

Completing the survey will help you to understand the numbers you will be working with in the activities: where they come from, and what they show about the people tested. It will also help to teach you about the challenges of measurement: this is one of the key challenges in psychological science.

We will build practice in using correlations to test predictions about associations and thus to answer research questions.



Before you go on to the activities, watch the lectures:

The lecture for this week is presented in four short parts. You can view video recordings of the lectures using Panopto, by clicking on the links shown following.

  1. Overview (15 minutes): What we are doing in weeks 16-20, and how and why you will develop your critical thinking skills.
  1. Thinking critically (11 minutes): A summary of the health communication project, and the ideas we assume to develop our hypotheses.
  1. Thinking about associations in research (22 minutes): How we visualize and think about distributions and associations.
  1. Interpreting, reporting and visualizing correlations (11 minutes): How we use R to estimate and test correlations.

The slides presented in the videos can be downloaded either as a web page or as a Word document.

You can download the web page .html file and click on it to open it in any browser (e.g., Chrome, Edge or Safari). The slide images are high quality so the file is quite big and may take a few seconds to download.

You can download the .docx file and click on it to open it as a Word document that you can then edit. Converting the slides to a .docx distorts some images but the benefit of the conversion is that it makes it easier for you to add your notes.

Pre-lab activities

Pre-lab activity 1

In weeks 16-19, we will be working together on a research project to investigate how people vary in their response to health advice.

Completing the project involves collecting responses from PSYC122 students: you.

To enter your responses, we invite you to complete a short survey.

Complete the survey by clicking on the link here


In our week 19 class activity, we will analyze the data we collect here.

The survey should take about 20 minutes to complete.

Taking part in the survey is completely voluntary. You can stop at any time without completing the survey if you do not want to finish it. If you do not want to do the survey, you can do an alternative activity (see below).

All responses will be recorded completely anonymously.

Pre-lab activity alternative option

If you do not want to complete the survey, we invite you to read the pre-registered research plan for the PSYC122 health advice research project.

Read the project pre-registration

Lab activities


We will do our practical lab work to develop your skills in the context of the Clearly Understood project.

  • Our focus will be on what makes it easy or difficult for people to understand written health information.

Why are we doing this?

We encounter written health information all the time: in warnings signs, on medication labels, in clinics when we go to see the doctor, and online when we research things we are worried about. It is not always easy to understand this information. The problem is that it is unclear how health information should be communicated: even this is important, there is not much evidence.

As psychologists, we can help.


In these classes, we will complete a research project to answer the research questions:

  1. What person attributes predict success in understanding health information?
  2. Can people accurately evaluate whether they correctly understand written health information?

Get ready

Download the data

Click on the link: 122_week16_for_students.zip to download the data files folder. Then upload the contents to the new folder you created in RStudio Server.

The downloadable .zip folder includes the data files:

  • study-one-general-participants.csv
  • study-two-general-participants.csv

and the R Markdown .Rmd:

  • 2023-24-PSYC122-w16-how-to.Rmd

If you can’t upload these files to the server – this affects some students – you can use some code to get R to do it for you: uncover the code box below to reveal the code to do this.

  • You can use the code below to directly download the file you need in this lab activity to the server.
  • Remember that you can copy the code to your clipboard by clicking on the ‘clipboard’ in the top right corner.
  1. Get the study-one-general-participants.csv data
download.file("https://github.com/lu-psy-r/statistics_for_psychologists/blob/main/PSYC122/data/week16/study-one-general-participants.csv?raw=true", destfile = "study-one-general-participants.csv")
  1. Get the study-two-general-participants.csv data
download.file("https://github.com/lu-psy-r/statistics_for_psychologists/blob/main/PSYC122/data/week16/study-two-general-participants.csv?raw=true", destfile = "study-two-general-participants.csv")
  1. Get the 2023-24-PSYC122-w16-how-to.Rmd how-to guide
download.file("https://github.com/lu-psy-r/statistics_for_psychologists/blob/main/PSYC122/data/week16/2023-24-PSYC122-w16-how-to.Rmd?raw=true", destfile = "2023-24-PSYC122-w16-how-to.Rmd")

Check: What is in the data files?

Each of the data files we will work with has a similar structure, as you can see in this extract.

studytwo.1 0.4107143 6.071429 studytwo 26 27 6 50 9 Female Higher Asian
studytwo.10 0.6071429 8.500000 studytwo 38 24 9 58 15 Female Secondary White
studytwo.100 0.8750000 8.928571 studytwo 66 40 13 60 20 Female Higher White
studytwo.101 0.9642857 8.500000 studytwo 21 31 11 59 14 Female Higher White

You can use the scroll bar at the bottom of the data window to view different columns.

You can see the columns:

  • participant_ID participant code
  • mean.acc average accuracy of response to questions testing understanding of health guidance
  • mean.self average self-rated accuracy of understanding of health guidance
  • study variable coding for what study the data were collected in
  • AGE age in years
  • HLVA health literacy test score
  • SHIPLEY vocabulary knowledge test score
  • FACTOR3 reading strategy survey score
  • GENDER gender code
  • EDUCATION education level code
  • ETHNICITY ethnicity (Office National Statistics categories) code

It is always a good idea to view the dataset – click on the name of the dataset in the R-Studio Environment window, and check out the columns, scroll through the rows – to get a sense of what you are working with.

Lab activity 1: Work with the How-to guide

The how-to guide comprises an .Rmd file:

  • 2023-24-PSYC122-w16-how-to.Rmd

It is full of advice and example code.

The code in the how-to guide was written to work with the data file:

  • study-one-general-participants.csv.

We show you how to do everything you need to do in the lab activity (Section 5.4, next) in the how-to guide.

  • Start by looking at the how-to guide to understand what steps you need to follow in the lab activity.

We will take things step-by-step.

We split .Rmd scripts by steps, tasks and questions:

  • different steps for different phases of the analysis workflow;
  • different tasks for different things you need to do;
  • different questions to examine different ideas or coding challenges
  • Make sure you start at the top of the .Rmd file and work your way, in order, through each task.
  • Complete each task before you move on to the next task.

In the activity Section 5.4, we are going to work through the following tasks.

Step 1: Set-up

  1. Empty the R environment – using rm(list=ls())
  2. Load relevant libraries – using library()

Step 2: Load the data

  1. Read in the data file – using read_csv()
  2. Inspect the data – using head() and summary()
  3. Change the type classification of a variable in the data – using as.factor()

Step 3: Use histograms to examine the distributions of variables

  1. Draw histograms to examine the distributions of variables – using ggplot() and geom_histogram()

Step 4: Edit your plots to make them look good

  1. Edit the appearance of one histogram plot step-by-step

Step 5: Now draw scatterplots to examine associations between variables

  1. Draw scatterplots to examine the associations between some variables – using ggplot() and geom_point()
  2. Draw scatterplots to examine different variables

Step 6: Edit the scatterplots to make them look good

  1. Edit the appearance of a plot step-by-step

Step 7: Use correlation to to answer the research questions

  1. Examine associations between variables using correlation.

If you are unsure about what you need to do, look at the advice in 2023-24-PSYC122-w16-how-to.Rmd on how to do the tasks, with examples on how to write the code.

You will see that you can match a task in the activity Section 5.4 to the same task in the how-to guide. The how-to shows you what function you need and how you should write the function code.

This process of adapting demonstration code is a process critical to data literacy and to effective problem solving in modern psychological science.


Don’t forget: You will need to change the names of the dataset or the variables to complete the tasks in the activity.

Lab activity 2

OK: now let’s do it!

In the following, we will guide you through the tasks and questions step by step. You will learn more if you follow this advice:

  1. We will hide the code to do some tasks behind a drop-down button. Try to write and run the code for yourself first.
  2. We won’t always give you the code required to do something: this gives you the chance to check what you have learned by trying out your code without the answer in front of you.
  3. We will not at first give you the answers to questions about the data or about the results of analyses.
  4. An answers version of the workbook will be provided after the last lab session (check the answers then in Section 6) so that you can check whether your independent work has been correct.


Step 1: Set-up

To begin, we set up our environment in R.

Task 1 – Run code to empty the R environment
Task 2 – Run code to load relevant libraries

Step 2: Load the data

Task 3 – Read in the data file we will be using

The data file for the workbook is called:

  • study-two-general-participants.csv

Use the read_csv() function to read the data file into R.

study.two.gen <- read_csv("study-two-general-participants.csv")

When you code this, you can choose your own file name, but be sure to give the data object you create a distinct name e.g. study.two.gen.

Task 4 – Inspect the data file

Use the summary() or head() functions to take a look


Q.1. What is the median of AGE?

Q.2. What class is the variable ETHNICITY?

Q.3. Does the summary indicate if any variable has missing values (NAs)?

Task 5 – Change the class or type of the variable ETHNICITY to factor

You can use the as.factor() function you have used before: how do you write the code for these data? Try it for yourself before revealing the code.

study.two.gen$ETHNICITY <- as.factor(study.two.gen$ETHNICITY)

Q.4. After you have done this, what information does summary() give you about the variable ETHNICITY?


Step 3: Use histograms to examine the distributions of variables

Task 6 – Draw histograms to examine the distributions of variables
Hint: Task 6

Use ggplot() with geom_histogram().

The first time we do this, we can take things one step at a time.

Here’s an example: run the line of code and see the result in the Plots window in R-Studio.

ggplot(data = study.two.gen, aes(x = mean.acc)) + geom_histogram()

These are the steps, set out one step at a time:

  1. ggplot(...) you tell R you want to make a plot using the ggplot() function
  2. ggplot(data = study.two.gen ...) you tell R you want to make a plot with the study.two.gen data
  3. ggplot(..., aes(x = mean.acc)) you tell R that you want to make a plot with the variable mean.acc – here, you specify the aesthetic mapping, x = mean.acc
  4. ggplot(...) + geom_histogram() you tell R you want to plot values of mean.acc as a histogram
Questions: Task 6

Q.5. Did you get a message in the Console window in R-Studio: what does it say?

Q.6. Draw two different histograms to examine the distributions of two different variables: SHIPLEY and HLVA

Try it for yourself before revealing the code: can you do it?

Click on the button to see the code for drawing the histogram of SHIPLEY scores.

ggplot(data = study.two.gen, aes(x = SHIPLEY)) + geom_histogram()

Figure 1 shows you what you are aiming to produce for the second plot: a histogram of HLVA scores? What code do you need to write?

Histogram shows thin grey bars against a light grey background. The HLVA scores peak around 10, ranging from 2.5 to 14 in a symmetric distribution.

Figure 1: Histogram showing the distribution of HLVA scores in the Study Two dataset

Q.7. Now edit the code for both plots: can you change the binwidth in geom_histogram() to make the bars wider?

If you are going to change binwidth the number you use needs to be a number larger than the minimum and smaller than the maximum for the variable.

Remember, min and max values are given for each numeric variable in summary().

ggplot(data = study.two.gen, aes(x = SHIPLEY)) + geom_histogram(binwidth = 2)
ggplot(data = study.two.gen, aes(x = HLVA)) + geom_histogram(binwidth = 2)

We adjust binwidth typically to improve the appearance of the plot.

This is a bit subjective so try different numbers and see how you feel about the changes in appearance.

We want histograms that show us enough detail about the frequency of occurrence of groupings (bins) of values for each variable.

But we do not want histograms that show us so much detail it is difficult to see the pattern for the distribution.

Q.8. – How would you describe the distributions – in a sentence – of the distributions of the SHIPLEY and HLVA variable values for our sample?

Step 4: Edit your plots to make them look good

Task 7 – Edit the appearance of a histogram plot for one numeric variable

Note that ggplot() code does not all have to be on the same line.

You can create a new plot for each edit so you can see what difference your edits make.

Q.9. Edit the appearance of the bars using binwidth

ggplot(data = study.two.gen, aes(x = HLVA)) +
  geom_histogram(binwidth = 2)

Q.10. Edit the colour of the background using theme_bw()

ggplot(data = study.two.gen, aes(x = HLVA)) +
  geom_histogram(binwidth = 2) +

Q.11. Edit the appearance of the labels using labs()

ggplot(data = study.two.gen, aes(x = HLVA)) +
  geom_histogram(binwidth = 2) +
  theme_bw() +
  labs(x = "HLVA", y = "count")

Notice how, if you are doing edits in steps, one line at a time, each line in your code except the last one ends in a +.

What we are doing is telling R we want this + and this + and this … Each line then adds an extra step.

You can break this code by not adding a + at the end of each bit (except the last line).

Notice that how to break the code, and how to figure out how to fix the break, are discussed in the how-to guide.

Step 5: Now draw scatterplots to examine associations between variables

Task 8 – Create a scatterplot to examine the association between some variables

We are working with geom_point() and you need x and y aesthetic mappings

ggplot(data = study.two.gen, aes(x = HLVA, y = mean.acc)) +

The plot shows a scatter of black points against a light grey background. The points appear to trend upwards so that higher mean.acc scores are observed for higher HLVA scores

Figure 2: Scatterplot showing the potential association between health literacy (HLVA) scores and how accurately people understand health information in the Study Two dataset

This plot shows the possible association between x-axis variable HLVA and y-axis variable mean.acc.

The plot code moves through the following steps:

  1. ggplot(...) make a plot
  2. ggplot(data = study.two.gen, ...) with the study.two.gen dataset
  3. ggplot(...aes(x = HLVA, y = mean.acc)) using two aesthetic mappings:
  • x = HLVA map HLVA values to x-axis (horizontal, left to right) positions
  • y = mean.acc map mean.acc values to y-axis (vertical, bottom to top) positions
  1. geom_point() show the mappings as points
Task 9 – Now do scatterplots with every numeric predictor variable in the study.two.gen dataset

You always want to use the outcome mean.acc as the y-axis variable so:

  • y = mean.acc

Then you can use each numeric predictor variable as the x-axis variable so:

  • x = mean.self

Remember what we saw with summary(): not every variable consists of numbers

If the summary() does not show you a mean for a variable, then R does not think that variable is numeric

It can be hard to decide what an association looks like so make a decision based on what you see

Right now, we are working to build your intuitions so: reflect, trust your intuition, and make a decision.

Draw the plot, answer the question

Q.12. What is the shape (direction) of the association between mean.self and mean.acc?

ggplot(data = study.two.gen, aes(x = mean.self, y = mean.acc)) +
Draw the plot, answer the question

Q.13. What is the shape (direction) of the association between AGE and mean.acc?

ggplot(data = study.two.gen, aes(x = AGE, y = mean.acc)) +
Draw the plot, answer the question

Q.14. What is the shape (direction) of the association between SHIPLEY and mean.acc?

ggplot(data = study.two.gen, aes(x = SHIPLEY, y = mean.acc)) +
Draw the plot, answer the question

Q.15. What is the shape (direction) of the association between HLVA and mean.acc?

ggplot(data = study.two.gen, aes(x = HLVA, y = mean.acc)) +
Draw the plot, answer the question

Q.16. What is the shape (direction) of the association between FACTOR3 and mean.acc?

ggplot(data = study.two.gen, aes(x = FACTOR3, y = mean.acc)) +
Draw the plot, answer the question

Q.17. What is the shape (direction) of the association between QRITOTAL and mean.acc?

ggplot(data = study.two.gen, aes(x = QRITOTAL, y = mean.acc)) +

Step 6: Edit the scatterplots to make them look good

Task 10 – Edit the appearance of one plot step-by-step

Learn how to edit your plotting code so that you can make plots with a professional appearance.

  • We teach this because we know that some of our alumni get jobs after they develop pro visualization skills with us.
  • We will do this learning as part of PSYC122.

In doing this work, you will learn about:

  • coding – how to do the edits;
  • visualization – how to look at and read plots;
  • presentation – what works and what doesn’t for your audience.

We get started here.

Hint: Task 10 – We are going to edit a scatterplot to adjust
  1. the appearance of the points using alpha, size and colour;
  2. the colour of the background using theme_bw();
  3. the appearance of the labels using labs().

In the following, we ask you to edit one plot element at a time. You can work out what to do.

There is helpful ggplot reference information that you can use: here.

You can visit the find the ggplot reference webpages, find some example code, and come back here.

You can click on the reveal button, for each question, to get our example code.

  • You do not have to stick with our choices on colour, size etc.
  • Experiment change the options and see what happens.

Questions: Task 10

Q.18. Change the appearance of the points using alpha, size and colour:

ggplot(data = study.two.gen, aes(x = HLVA, y = mean.acc)) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.5, size = 2, colour = "red")

Q.19. Edit the colour of the background using theme_bw()

ggplot(data = study.two.gen, aes(x = HLVA, y = mean.acc)) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.5, size = 2, colour = "red")   +

Q.20. Edit the appearance of the labels using labs()

ggplot(data = study.two.gen, aes(x = HLVA, y = mean.acc)) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.5, size = 2, colour = "red")   +
  theme_bw() +
  labs(x = "HLVA", y = "mean accuracy")

Q.21. Can you find the ggplot reference page?

Try doing a search with the keywords: ggplot reference geom_point

Now it’s your turn: experiment!

  • What about different colour words? Replace "red" with "..."?
  • What about a different size? Replace size = 2 with size = ... using a different number.
  • What about a different level of transparency (alpha)? Replace alpha = 0.5 with alpha = ... using a different fraction.

Step 7: Use correlation to to answer the research questions

Task 11 – Examine the correlation between mean accuracy (mean.acc) and some numeric predictor variables

We use cor.test() for the questions that follow.

  • We take a slightly different approach to the approach you have seen in previous weeks see here
  • You have seen the code before.
  • Here, we use cor.test() on its own because we want to focus your attention on the statistics

Q.22. What is r (given as cor in the output) for the correlation between HLVA and mean.acc?

Can you figure out the code to do the calculation?

cor.test(study.two.gen$HLVA, study.two.gen$mean.acc, method = "pearson",  alternative = "two.sided")

Q.23. Is the correlation significant?

Q.24. What are the values for t and p for the significance test for the correlation?

Q.25. What do you conclude, given the correlation results?

Maybe draw a scatterplot to examine the shape of the association.

Q.26. What is r (given as cor in the output) for the correlation between mean.self and mean.acc?

Can you figure out the code to do the calculation?

cor.test(study.two.gen$mean.self, study.two.gen$mean.acc, method = "pearson",  alternative = "two.sided")

Q.27. Is the correlation between AGE and mean.acc significant?

Can you figure out the code to do the calculation?

cor.test(study.two.gen$AGE, study.two.gen$mean.acc, method = "pearson",  alternative = "two.sided")

Q.28. What are the values for t and p for the significance test for the correlation between QRITOTAL and mean.acc?

Can you figure out the code to do the calculation?

cor.test(study.two.gen$QRITOTAL, study.two.gen$mean.acc, method = "pearson",  alternative = "two.sided")

Q.29. What do you conclude, given the correlation results, about the association between SHIPLEY and mean.acc?

cor.test(study.two.gen$SHIPLEY, study.two.gen$mean.acc, method = "pearson",  alternative = "two.sided")


When you have completed all of the lab content, you may want to check your answers with our completed version of the script for this week.


The .Rmd script containing all code and all answers for each task and each question will be made available after the final lab session has taken place.

We set out the Week 16 Hypotheses, associations questions below. We focus on the Lab activity 2 questions where we ask you to interpret something or say something.

You can see all the code and all the answers in 2023-24-PSYC122-w16-workbook-answers.Rmd.



Click on a box to reveal the answer.


Q.1. What is the median of AGE?

  • A.1. 32.50

Q.2. What class is the variable ETHNICITY?

  • A.2. character

Q.3. Does the summary indicate if any variable has missing values (NAs)?

  • Q.3. No

Q.4. After you have done this [change ETHNICITY to a factor], what information does summary() give you about the variable ETHNICITY?

  • A.4. We can see that ETHNICITY lists observations following UK Office National Statistics ethnicity grouping:

  • Asian: 15

  • Black: 5

  • Mixed: 7

  • White: 145

Q.5. Did you get a message in the Console window in R-Studio [when you produced a histogram]: what does it say?

  • A.5. The message says:

  • stat_bin() using bins = 30. Pick better value with binwidth.

Q.6. Draw two different histograms to examine the distributions of two different variables: SHIPLEY and HLVA

ggplot(data = study.two.gen, aes(x = SHIPLEY)) + geom_histogram()
ggplot(data = study.two.gen, aes(x = HLVA)) + geom_histogram()

Q.7. Now edit the code for both plots: can you change the binwidth in geom_histogram() to make the bars wider?

ggplot(data = study.two.gen, aes(x = SHIPLEY)) + geom_histogram(binwidth = 2)
ggplot(data = study.two.gen, aes(x = HLVA)) + geom_histogram(binwidth = 2)

Q.8. – How would you describe the distributions – in a sentence – of the distributions of the SHIPLEY and HLVA variable values for our sample?

  • A.8. The SHIPLEY values lie between about 25 and 40, and are skewed towards high scores.
  • A.8. The HLVA values lie between 4 and about 14, and peak in the middle (near 7).

Q.12. What is the shape (direction) of the association between mean.self and mean.acc?

  • A.12. Increase in mean.self is associated with increase in mean.acc

Q.13. What is the shape (direction) of the association between AGE and mean.acc?

  • A.13. There is no clear association between AGE and mean.acc

Q.14. What is the shape (direction) of the association between SHIPLEY and mean.acc?

  • A.14. Increase in SHIPLEY is associated with increase in mean.acc

Q.15. What is the shape (direction) of the association between HLVA and mean.acc?

  • A.15. Increase in HLVA is associated with increase in mean.acc

Q.16. What is the shape (direction) of the association between FACTOR3 and mean.acc?

  • A.16. Increase in FACTOR3 is associated with increase in mean.acc

Q.17. What is the shape (direction) of the association between QRITOTAL and mean.acc?

  • A.17. Increase in QRITOTAL is associated with increase in mean.acc

Q.21. Can you find the ggplot reference page?

Try doing a search with the keywords: ggplot reference geom_point

Q.22. What is r (given as cor in the output) for the correlation between HLVA and mean.acc?

  • A.22. r = 0.5000559

Q.23. Is the correlation significant?

  • A.23. r is significant

Q.24. What are the values for t and p for the significance test for the correlation?

  • A.24. t = 7.5288, p = 2.866e-12

Q.25. What do you conclude, given the correlation results?

  • A.25. HLVA and mean.acc are positively correlated suggesting that as HLVA scores increase so also do mean.acc scores

Q.26. What is r (given as cor in the output) for the correlation between mean.self and mean.acc?

  • A.26. r = 0.5460792

Q.27. Is the correlation between AGE and mean.acc significant?

  • A.27. r is not significant

Q.28. What are the values for t and p for the significance test for the correlation between QRITOTAL and mean.acc?

  • A.28. t = 6.4711, p = 9.993e-10

Q.29. What do you conclude, given the correlation results, about the association between SHIPLEY and mean.acc?

  • A.29. SHIPLEY and mean.acc are positively correlated suggesting that as HLVA scores increase so also do mean.acc scores

Online Q&A

You will find, below, a link to the video recording of the week 16 online Q&A after it has been completed.

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