7. Week 18 – Developing the linear model

Written by Rob Davies


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Week 18: Introduction

Welcome to your overview of our work together in PSYC122 Week 18.


Putting it all together

  • We will complete four classes in weeks 16-19.
  • These classes are designed to help you to revise and to put into practice some of the key ideas and skills you have been developing in the first year research methods modules PSYC121, PSYC123 and PSYC124.
  • We will do this in the context of a live research project with potential real world impacts: the Clearly Understood project.

Our learning goals

In Week 18, we aim to further develop skills in analyzing and in visualizing psychological data.

We will do this in the context of the Clearly Understood project: our focus will be on what makes it easy or difficult for people to understand written health information.

In the Week 18 class, we will aim to answer two research questions:

  1. What person attributes predict success in understanding?
  2. Can people accurately evaluate whether they correctly understand written health information?

We will use linear models to estimate the association between predictors and outcomes. What is new, here, is that we will explore the power and flexibility of the linear model analysis method in two important aspects.

  1. We will fit linear models including multiple predictors, this is why this form of analysis is also often called multiple regression.
  2. We will use linear models to estimate the effects of numeric and categorical or nominal predictor variables.

When we do these analyses, we will need to adapt how we report the results:

  • we need to report information about the model we specify, identifying all predictors;
  • we will need to decide if the effects of one or more predictors are significant;
  • we will report the model fit statistics (F, R-squared) as well as coefficient estimates;
  • and we need to learn to write texts describing the impact of predictors.

Usually, in describing the impacts of predictors, we are required to communicate:

  • the direction of the effect – do values of the outcome variable increase or decrease given increasing values of the predictor?
  • the size of the effect – how much do values of the outcome variable increase or decrease given increasing values of the predictor?

This task of description is enabled by producing plots of the predictions we can make:

  • plots to show we expect the outcome to change, given different values of a predictor.

We will aim to build skills in producing professional-looking plots for our audiences.

  • We can produce plots showing the effects of predictors
  • As predictions of change in outcome, given different values of the predictor variables.



Before you go on to the activities in Section 5, watch the lectures:

The lecture for this week is presented in four short parts. You can view video recordings of the lectures using Panopto, by clicking on the video images shown following.

  • Anybody who has the link should be able to view the video.
  1. Overview (19 minutes): What we are doing in Week 18 – Exploring the power of linear models, extending their application to use multiple variables to predict people.
  1. Using linear models to predict people (13 minutes): Coding, thinking about, and reporting linear models with multiple predictors.
  1. Critical evaluation (15 minutes): Critically evaluating the results of analyses involving linear models.
  1. Everything is some kind of linear model (13 minutes): Understanding just how general and powerful this method for understanding people can be.

The slides presented in the videos can be downloaded either as a web page or as a Word document.

You can download the web page .html file and click on it to open it in any browser (e.g., Chrome, Edge or Safari). The slide images are high quality so the file is quite big and may take a few seconds to download.

You can download the .docx file and click on it to open it as a Word document that you can then edit. Converting the slides to a .docx distorts some images but the benefit of the conversion is that it makes it easier for you to add your notes.

The lectures have three main areas of focus

1. Working with the linear model with multiple predictors

We focus in-depth on how you code linear models, how you identify critical information in the results summaries, and how you report the results: the language and the style you can use in your reports.

  • A small change to lm() coding releases tremendous power and flexibility in how you use the analysis method.

2. Analyses are done in context so when we conduct analyses we must use contextual information

The power and flexibility of the linear model presents challenges. We must decide which predictor variables we specify in our model. This specification requires us to think about our theoretical assumptions and what they require us to include to make sense of the behaviours or the individual differences we observe when we do things like investigating what makes health information easy or difficult to understand.

3. Developing critical thinking

As we develop conceptual understanding and practical skills, we must learn to reflect critically on our analyses, and learn to critically evaluate the analyses we read about when we read research reports in the scientific literature.


Critical analysis can develop by considering

  • validity
  • measurement
  • generalizability

We are always working in the broader context of uncertainty:

  • uncertainty about the predictions we may make concerning outcomes of interest;
  • uncertainty given the possibility that predicted effects may vary between individuals or groups;
  • uncertainty given the influence of sources of randomness in how specific responses are produced.

To work with the recordings:

  • Watch the video parts right through.
  • Use the printable versions of the slides (provided on Moodle) to make notes.
  • Try out the coding exercises in the how-to guide and the acitivity tasks or questions (Section 5) to learn how to construct visualizations and do analyses.

Pre-lab activities

Pre-lab activity 1

In weeks 16-19, we will be working together on a research project to investigate how people vary in their response to health advice.

Completing the project involves collecting responses from PSYC122 students: you.

To enter your responses, we invite you to complete a short survey.

Complete the survey by clicking on the link here


In our week 19 class activity, we will analyze the data we collect here.

The survey should take about 20 minutes to complete.

Taking part in the survey is completely voluntary. You can stop at any time without completing the survey if you do not want to finish it. If you do not want to do the survey, you can do an alternative activity (see below).

All responses will be recorded completely anonymously.

Pre-lab activity alternative option

If you do not want to complete the survey, we invite you to read the pre-registered research plan for the PSYC122 health advice research project.

Read the project pre-registration

Lab activities


We will do our practical lab work to develop your skills in the context of the Clearly Understood project.

  • Our focus will be on what makes it easy or difficult for people to understand written health information.

In these classes, we will complete a research project to answer the research questions:

  1. What person attributes predict success in understanding health information?
  2. Can people accurately evaluate whether they correctly understand written health information?

Get ready

Download the data

Click on the link: 122-week18_for_students.zip to download the data files folder. Then upload the contents to the new folder you created in RStudio Server.

The downloadable .zip folder includes the data files:

  • study-one-general-participants.csv
  • study-two-general-participants.csv

and the R Markdown .Rmd:

  • 2023-24-PSYC122-w18-how-to.Rmd

If you can’t upload these files to the server – this affects some students – you can use some code to get R to do it for you: uncover the code box below to reveal the code to do this.

  • You can use the code below to directly download the file you need in this lab activity to the server.
  • Remember that you can copy the code to your clipboard by clicking on the ‘clipboard’ in the top right corner.
  1. Get the study-one-general-participants.csv data
download.file("https://github.com/lu-psy-r/statistics_for_psychologists/blob/main/PSYC122/data/week18/study-one-general-participants.csv?raw=true", destfile = "study-one-general-participants.csv")
  1. Get the study-two-general-participants.csv data
download.file("https://github.com/lu-psy-r/statistics_for_psychologists/blob/main/PSYC122/data/week18/study-two-general-participants.csv?raw=true", destfile = "study-two-general-participants.csv")
  1. Get the 2023-24-PSYC122-w18-how-to.Rmd how-to guide
download.file("https://github.com/lu-psy-r/statistics_for_psychologists/blob/main/PSYC122/data/week18/2023-24-PSYC122-w18-how-to.Rmd?raw=true", destfile = "2023-24-PSYC122-w18-how-to.Rmd")

Check: What is in the data files?

Each of the data files we will work with has a similar structure, as you can see in this extract.

studytwo.1 0.4107143 6.071429 studytwo 26 27 6 50 9 Female Higher Asian
studytwo.10 0.6071429 8.500000 studytwo 38 24 9 58 15 Female Secondary White
studytwo.100 0.8750000 8.928571 studytwo 66 40 13 60 20 Female Higher White
studytwo.101 0.9642857 8.500000 studytwo 21 31 11 59 14 Female Higher White

You can use the scroll bar at the bottom of the data window to view different columns.

You can see the columns:

  • participant_ID participant code;
  • mean.acc average accuracy of response to questions testing understanding of health guidance (varies between 0-1);
  • mean.self average self-rated accuracy of understanding of health guidance (varies between 1-9);
  • study variable coding for what study the data were collected in
  • AGE age in years;
  • HLVA health literacy test score (varies between 1-16);
  • SHIPLEY vocabulary knowledge test score (varies between 0-40);
  • FACTOR3 reading strategy survey score (varies between 0-80);
  • GENDER gender code;
  • EDUCATION education level code;
  • ETHNICITY ethnicity (Office National Statistics categories) code.

It is always a good idea to view the dataset – click on the name of the dataset in the R-Studio Environment window, and check out the columns, scroll through the rows – to get a sense of what you are working with.

Lab activity 1: Work with the How-to guide

The how-to guide comprises an .Rmd file:

  • 2023-24-PSYC122-w18-how-to.Rmd

It is full of advice and example code.

The code in the how-to guide was written to work with the data file:

  • study-one-general-participants.csv.

We show you how to do everything you need to do in the lab activity (Section 5.4, next) in the how-to guide.

  • Start by looking at the how-to guide to understand what steps you need to follow in the lab activity.

We will take things step-by-step.

We split .Rmd scripts by steps, tasks and questions:

  • different steps for different phases of the analysis workflow;
  • different tasks for different things you need to do;
  • different questions to examine different ideas or coding challenges
  • Make sure you start at the top of the .Rmd file and work your way, in order, through each task.
  • Complete each task before you move on to the next task.

In the activity Section 5.4, we are going to work through a sequence of steps and tasks that mirrors the sequence you find in the how-to guide.

  • There is a little bit of variation, comparing the later steps in the how-to guide and the steps in Section 5.4, but that is designed to help you with your learning, in different places, when we think you will most need the support.
  • Notice that we are gradually building up our skills: consolidating what we know; revising important learning; and extending ourselves to acquire new skills.
  • Over time, we will refer less and less to what we have learned before.

Step 1: Set-up

  1. Empty the R environment – using rm(list=ls())
  2. Load relevant libraries – using library()

Step 2: Load the data

  1. Read in the data file – using read_csv()
  2. Inspect the data – using head() and summary()

Step 3: Use a linear model to to answer the research questions – one predictor

  1. Use lm() to examine the relation between an outcome variable and one predictor variable

Step 4: Use a linear model to to answer the research questions – multiple predictors

  1. Use lm() to examine the relation between between an outcome variable and multiple predictors

Step 5: Plot predictions from linear models with multiple predictors

  1. Use ggpredict() to plot linear model predictions for one of the predictors
  2. Produce plots that show the predictions for all the predictor variables in a model

In Section 5.4, you will see that we show you how you can understand what linear model estimates show by examining the predictions from one outcome-predictor relation.

Step 6: Draw boxplots to examine associations between variables

The how-to guide shows you how to produce boxplots. We do not include the task in the Section 5.4 tasks sequence but you will find it useful to produce boxplots when you are examining the impact of categorical variables (next).

  1. Create boxplots to examine the association between a continuous numeric outcome variable like mean.acc and a categorical variable like ETHNICITY

Step 7: Estimate the effects of factors as well as numeric variables

We refer to categorical or nominal variables like ETHNICITY as factors in data analysis.

  1. Fit a linear model including both numeric variables and categorical variables as predictors
  2. Fit a linear model including both numeric variables and categorical variables as predictors, and then plot the predicted effect of the factor (the categorical variable)

If you are unsure about what you need to do, look at the advice in 2023-24-PSYC122-w18-how-to.Rmd on how to do the tasks, with examples on how to write the code.

You will see that you can match a task in the activity Section 5.4 to the same task in the how-to guide. The how-to shows you what function you need and how you should write the function code.

This process of adapting demonstration code is a process critical to data literacy and to effective problem solving in modern psychological science.


Don’t forget: You will need to change the names of the dataset or the variables to complete the tasks in Section 5.4.

Lab activity 2

OK: now let’s do it!

In the following, we will guide you through the tasks and questions step by step.

  1. We will not at first give you the answers to questions about the data or about the results of analyses.
  2. An answers version of the workbook will be provided after the last lab session (check the answers then in Section 6) so that you can check whether your independent work has been correct.



Students have told us that it would be helpful to your learning if we reduce the information in the hints we provide you. We have done this in Week 18.

The motivation for doing this is:

  1. It will require you to do more active thinking to complete tasks or answer questions;
  2. Thus, you can check to see how your learning is developing – can you do the tasks, given what you know now?
  3. Plus, psychological research shows that active thinking is better for understanding and for learning.

Where we do give you hints, we will sometimes replace the correct bit of code with a place-holder: ...

  • Your task will therefore be to replace the place-holder ... with the correct bit of code or the correct dataset or variable name.

Step 1: Set-up

To begin, we set up our environment in R.

Task 1 – Run code to empty the R environment
Task 2 – Run code to load relevant libraries

Notice that in Week 18, we need to work with the libraries ggeffects and tidyverse. Use the library() function to make these libraries available to you.

Step 2: Load the data

Task 3 – Read in the data file we will be using

The data file for Lab Activity 2 is called:

  • study-two-general-participants.csv

Use the read_csv() function to read the data file into R.

... <- read_csv("...")

When you code this, you can choose your own file name, but be sure to give the data object you create a distinct name e.g. study.two.gen.

Task 4 – Inspect the data file

Use the summary() or head() functions to take a look.


Even though you have done this before, you will want to do it again, here, and pay particular attention to:

  • summary information about the numeric variables;
  • summary information about variables of class: character.

Step 3: Use a linear model to to answer the research questions – one predictor

Revise: practice to strengthen skills

  • Revise: We start by revising how to use lm() with one predictor

One of our research questions is:

  1. Can people accurately evaluate whether they correctly understand written health information?

We can address this question by examining whether someone’s rated evaluation of their own understanding matches their performance on a test of that understanding, and by investigating what variables predict variation in mean self-rated accuracy.

  • For these data, participants were asked to respond to questions about health information to get mean.acc scores
  • and they were then asked to rate their own understanding of the same information (ratings on a scale from 1-9) to get mean.self scores.
  • Ratings of accuracy are ordinal data but, here, we choose to examine the average of participants’ ratings of their own understanding of health information to keep our analysis fairly simple.

If you can evaluate your own understanding then ratings of understanding should be associated with performance on tests of understanding

Task 5 – Estimate the relation between outcome mean self-rated accuracy (mean.self) and tested accuracy of understanding (mean.acc)

We can use lm() to estimate whether :

  1. the outcome variable, participants’ ratings of the accuracy of their understanding (mean.self), can be predicted by
  2. the predictor variable, information about the same participants’ level of accuracy in direct tests of their understanding (mean.acc).

Can you work out how to specify the model?

You can get more advice on how lm() code works if you click on the Hint box.

In R analysis code, we normally write linear model analysis code like this:

model <- lm(outcome ~ predictor, data)

If you first run the model, and then look at the model summary you can answer the following questions.

Questions: Task 5

Q.1. What is the estimate for the coefficient of the effect of the predictor mean.acc on the outcome mean.self in this model?

Q.2. Is the effect significant?

Q.3. What are the values for t and p for the significance test for the coefficient?

Q.4. What do you conclude is the answer to the research question, given the linear model results?

Q.5. What is the F-statistic for the regression? Report F, DF and the p-value.

Q.6. Is the regression significant?

Q.7. What is the Adjusted R-squared?

Q.8. Explain in words what this R-squared value indicates?

Step 4: Use a linear model to to answer the research questions – multiple predictors

Introduce: make some new moves

One of our research questions is:

  1. Can people accurately evaluate whether they correctly understand written health information?

We have already looked at this question by asking whether ratings of understanding are predicted by performance on tests of understanding.

But there is a problem with that analysis – it leaves open the question:

  • What actually predicts ratings of understanding?

We can look at this follow-up question, next.

Task 6 – Examine the relation between outcome mean self-rated accuracy (mean.self) and multiple predictors

Here, the predictors will include all of:

  • health literacy (HLVA);
  • vocabulary (SHIPLEY);
  • age in years (AGE);
  • reading strategy (FACTOR3);
  • as well as average accuracy of the tested understanding of health information (mean.acc).

We use lm(), as before, but now when we specify the model we write the code to include all of the multiple predictors in the same model at the same time.

  • When you do this, specify all of the predictors we list.
  • Specify each variable listed here by using the variable name.

Can you write the code you need to do the linear model analysis?

You can click on the button to see the hint. You can see example code, for a different model, for Step 4 in the 2023-24-PSYC122-w18-how-to.Rmd.

You can include multiple predictor variables in a model by:

  • listing the predictors in series;
  • specifying each predictor variable name;
  • entering the names ... separated by a +;
  • one variable at a time ... + ...;
  • like this:
model <- lm(outcome ~ ... + ... + ..., 
            data = study.two.gen)

You will need to replace place-holder ...s with the names of variables as they appear in the dataset.

If you look at the model summary you can answer the following questions.

Q.9. What predictors are significant in this model?

Q.10. What is the estimate for the coefficient of the effect of the predictor mean.acc in this model?

Q.11. Is the effect significant?

Q.12. What are the values for t and p for the significance test for the coefficient?

Q.13. What do you conclude is the answer to the follow-up question, what actually predicts ratings of understanding?

Step 5: Understanding linear model predictions by comparing one outcome-predictor relation

Consolidate your learning

Next, we focus in on whether (1.) mean.self predicts mean.acc or, in reverse, whether (2.) mean.acc predicts mean.self?

We are talking about two models here:

  1. The model mean.acc ~ mean.self
  2. The model mean.self ~ mean.acc
  • A comparison between these models teaches us something important about what it is that linear models predict.

You will learn something about how linear models work if you look closely at the Estimate value in the summary for each model.

  • Where we reference model estimates, here, we are looking at the values in theEstimate column of the lm() model summary.
  • These estimates give us the expected or predicted change in the outcome, given change in the predictor variable named on that row.

Compare the Estimate value in the summary for each model. Then have a think about why these values are different even though the variables and the data are the same.

Remember that:

  • mean.acc is scaled from 0 to 1 because it represents the average accuracy of the responses made by study participants to questions about health texts.
  • mean.self is scaled from 1 to 9 because it represents the average self-rated accuracy of understanding.

Q.14. Why do you think it appears that the slope coefficient estimate is different if you compare:

  1. The model mean.acc ~ mean.self versus
  2. The model mean.self ~ mean.acc?

You can fit these two simple models using the verbal description in the Q.14. information, plus what you have learned so far.

  • Remember to give each model a different name.
  1. Remember: you write model code with the outcome on the left of the tilde symbol ~ and the predictor (or predictors) on the right of the ~.
  2. In the model information, we specify two different models.
  • The variables and the data are the same.
  • But which variable is the outcome, and which variable is the predictor, is different in the two models.

Do that then compare the Estimate of the predictor effect in the two models.

  • Reflect on what the comparison shows about the scale of predicted effects.
  • Have a think before clicking on the Hint button to see our information on the key learning we are talking about here.

What does a comparison of the model predictor Estimate values show us?

  • You may benefit by reflecting on the lm-intro) lecture and practical materials, especially where they concern predictions.

The lesson to learn here is that:

  1. If we have the model, mean.acc ~ mean.self then this means that the outcome is mean.acc.
  • So if we are predicting change in outcome mean.acc, which is scaled 0-1, then we are looking at coefficients that will lie somewhere on the same scale (also 0-1).
  • Here: the model estimate will show that each unit change in values of the variable mean.self predicts an increase of 0.053566 in mean.acc.
  1. Whereas if we have the model, mean.self ~ mean.acc then this means that the outcome is mean.self.
  • So if we are predicting change in outcome mean.self, which is scaled 1-9, then we are looking at coefficients that will lie somewhere on the same scale (also 1-9).
  • Here: the model estimate will show that unit change in mean.acc predicts increase of 5.5670 in mean.self.

Remember that:

  • mean.acc is scaled from 0 to 1 because it represents the average accuracy of the responses made by study participants to questions about health texts. This average has to have a minimum of 0 (no responses correct) and a maximum of 1 (all responses correct). The average is calculated by adding up all the correct answers and dividing by the number of questions answered by each participant.
  • mean.self is scaled from 1 to 9 bcause it represents the average self-rated accuracy of understanding. Participants are asked to rate on a scale form 1 (not all) to 9 (very well) how well they think they understand a health information text. The average is calculated by adding up all the ratings and dividing by the number of texts responded to by each participant.

The important lesson, here, is that estimates of predictor effects are scaled in terms of predicted change in the outcome, so whatever scale the outcome measurement is in determines how big or small the predictor coefficient estimates can be.

We can visualize the predictions from each model to visualize the comparison. This will help your learning:

  • Look at how much the outcome is predicted to change;
  • Look at the values on the y-axis labels.

Q.15. Can you plot the predictions from each model?

Can you work out how to write the model prediction plotting code without looking at the code example?

Click on the Hint button to see advice on what you need to do. You can see example code, for a different model, for Step 5 in the 2023-24-PSYC122-w18-how-to.Rmd.

First fit the models like this:

model.1 <- lm(outcome ~ predictor, data)
  • Remember to give each model object distinct names.

Second get the predictions like this:

model.predictions <- ggpredict(model.1, "...")
  • Replace ... with the name of the predictor in model.1.

Third make the prediction plots like this:


Q.16. Look at the two plots: what do you see?

Look at changes in height of the prediction line, given changes in predictor values.

Step 6: Estimate the effects of factors as well as numeric variables

Consolidation: build your skills

We have not yet included any categorical or nominal variables as predictors but we can, and should: lm() can cope with any kind of variable as a predictor.

There are different ways to do this, here we ask you to use the R default method.

Task 7 – Fit a linear model to examine what variables predict outcome mean self-rated accuracy of mean.self

Include as predictors both numeric variables and categorical variables.

Here, our model includes predictors that are numeric like:

  • health literacy (HLVA);
  • vocabulary (SHIPLEY);
  • AGE;
  • reading strategy (FACTOR3);
  • accuracy mean.acc.

As well as a categorical or nominal variable like:


Note: EDUCATION is a categorical or nominal variable because participants are classified by what education category (higher education, further education, secondary school) they report themselves as having received.

Can you write the code to complete the linear model analysis?

Follow the same procedure for model specification that you have been learning to follow: the inclusion of a nominal variable does not affect how you specify the model.

If you look at the model summary you can answer the following questions.

Q.17. Can you report the overall model and model fit statistics?

Q.18. Can you plot the predicted effect of EDUCATION given your model?

Follow the same procedure that you have been learning to follow.

  1. Fit the model:
model <- lm(outcome ~ predictors, data)
  • Replace outcome with the outcome variable required for this analysis.
  • Replace predictor with the predictor variable required for this analysis.
  • Replace data with the name of the correct data set.
  • Give the model a distinctive name.
  1. Get the predictions:
model.predictions <- ggpredict(model, "EDUCATION")
  • Use the model name you assigned to the analysis you just did.
  • Ask for predictions of the effect on outcomes of the nominal variable.
  1. Plot the predictions:

Q.19. The plot should give you dot-and-whisker representations of the estimated mean.self outcome for different levels of EDUCATION. What is the difference in the estimated mean.self between the groups?

The effect or prediction plot will show you dot-and-whisker representations of predicted outcome mean.self. In these plots, the dots represent the estimated mean.self while the lines (whiskers) represent confidence intervals.

Q.20. Compare the difference in the estimated mean.self between these groups, given the plot, with the coefficient estimate from the model summary: what do you see?

We are learning some new things here so it is useful to explain them in a bit more detail:

  1. Categorical variables or factors and reference levels.
  • If you have a categorical variable like EDUCATION then when you use it in an analysis, R will look at the different categories (called levels) e.g., here, higher education, further education, secondary school and it will pick one level to be the reference or baseline level.
  • The reference is the the level against which other levels are compared.
  • Here, the reference level is Further (education) simply because, unless you tell R otherwise, it picks the level with a category name that begins earlier in the alphabet as the reference level.
  1. Dot and whisker plots show estimates with confidence intervals.
  • Dot and whisker plots are a nice way to present a concise visual summary about the estimates we get from prediction models.
  • Here, the plots show the coefficient estimates from our model (the dots) plus confidence intervals (the lines or “whiskers”).
  1. Confidence intervals are often misunderstood but they are helpful.
  • Essentially, a confidence interval tells us about we might expect to see using our analysis procedure (Hoekstra et al., 2014).

If we were to repeat the experiment over and over, then 95 % of the time the confidence intervals contain the true mean.

Reading to grow your understanding
  • You can read more about this here:

Hoekstra, R., Morey, R. D., Rouder, J. N., & Wagenmakers, E. J. (2014). Robust misinterpretation of confidence intervals. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 21, 1157-1164.

You have now completed the Week 18 questions.

You have now extended the power of the linear models that you can deploy to predict people and their behaviour.


Models like the models you have been working with are used by:

  • scientists to predict outcomes relevant to important research questions;
  • businesses using Artificial Intelligence to predict client or customer outcomes.


When you have completed all of the lab content, you may want to check your answers with our completed version of the script for this week.


The .Rmd script containing all code and all answers for each task and each question will be made available after the final lab session has taken place.

  • You can download the script by clicking on the link: 2023-24-PSYC122-w18-workbook-answers.Rmd.

  • Or by copying the code into the R Console window and running it to get the 2023-24-PSYC122-w18-workbook-answers.Rmd loaded directly into R:

download.file("https://github.com/lu-psy-r/statistics_for_psychologists/blob/main/PSYC122/data/week18/2023-24-PSYC122-w18-workbook-answers.Rmd?raw=true", destfile = "2023-24-PSYC122-w18-workbook-answers.Rmd")

We set out answers information the Week 18 Developing the linear model questions, below.

  • We focus on the Lab activity 2 questions where we ask you to interpret something or say something.
  • We do not show questions where we have given example or target code in the foregoing lab activity Section 5.4.

You can see all the code and all the answers in 2023-24-PSYC122-w18-workbook-answers.Rmd.



Click on a box to reveal the answer.


Q.1. What is the estimate for the coefficient of the effect of the predictor mean.acc on the outcome mean.self in this model?

The model is:

model <- lm(mean.self ~ mean.acc, data = study.two.gen)

lm(formula = mean.self ~ mean.acc, data = study.two.gen)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-2.47926 -0.62782  0.02038  0.65403  2.37788 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)   2.8725     0.5037   5.703 5.12e-08 ***
mean.acc      5.5670     0.6550   8.499 9.36e-15 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 1.032 on 170 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.2982,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.2941 
F-statistic: 72.24 on 1 and 170 DF,  p-value: 9.356e-15
  • A.1. 5.5670

Q.2. Is the effect significant?

  • A.2. It is significant, p < .05

Q.3. What are the values for t and p for the significance test for the coefficient?

  • A.3. t = 8.499, p = 9.36e-15

Q.4. What do you conclude is the answer to the research question, given the linear model results?

The research questions is:

  1. Can people accurately evaluate whether they correctly understand written health information?
  • A.4. The model slope estimate suggests that higher levels of tested understanding can predict higher levels of rated understanding so, yes: it does appear that people can evaluate their own understanding.

Q.5. What is the F-statistic for the regression? Report F, DF and the p-value.

  • A.5. F-statistic: 72.24 on 1 and 170 DF, p-value: 9.356e-15

Q.6. Is the regression significant?

  • A.6. Yes: the regression is significant.

Q.7. What is the Adjusted R-squared?

  • A.7. Adjusted R-squared: 0.2941

Q.8. Explain in words what this R-squared value indicates?

  • A.8. The R-squared suggests that about 30% of outcome variance can be explained by the model

Q.9. What predictors are significant in this model?

The model is:

model <- lm(mean.self ~ HLVA + SHIPLEY + FACTOR3 + AGE + mean.acc,
            data = study.two.gen)

lm(formula = mean.self ~ HLVA + SHIPLEY + FACTOR3 + AGE + mean.acc, 
    data = study.two.gen)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-2.72027 -0.49118 -0.00177  0.55561  2.00134 

             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)  0.561110   0.700632   0.801   0.4244    
HLVA         0.041272   0.034833   1.185   0.2378    
SHIPLEY     -0.046125   0.018701  -2.466   0.0147 *  
FACTOR3      0.063689   0.010747   5.926 1.74e-08 ***
AGE          0.025570   0.005472   4.673 6.12e-06 ***
mean.acc     4.763278   0.708166   6.726 2.69e-10 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.8805 on 166 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.5014,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.4864 
F-statistic: 33.39 on 5 and 166 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16
  • A.9. Vocabulary (SHIPLEY), reading strategy (FACTOR3), AGE, and performance on tests of accuracy of understanding (mean.acc) all appear to significantly predict variation in mean ratings of understanding (mean.self).

Q.10. What is the estimate for the coefficient of the effect of the predictor mean.acc in this model?

  • A.10. 4.763278

Q.11. Is the effect significant?

  • A.11. It is significant, p < .05

Q.12. What are the values for t and p for the significance test for the coefficient?

  • A.12. t = 6.726, p = 2.69e-10

Q.13. What do you conclude is the answer to the follow-up question, what actually predicts ratings of understanding?

  • A.13. Ratings of understanding appear to be predicted by performance on tests of accuracy of understanding, together with variation in age, vocabulary knowledge, health literacy and reading strategy

Q.14. Why do you think it appears that the slope coefficient estimate is different if you compare:

  1. The model mean.acc ~ mean.self versus
  2. The model mean.self ~ mean.acc?
  • A.14. Linear models are prediction models. We use them to predict variation in outcomes given some set of predictor variables. Predictions will necessarily be scaled in the same way as the outcome variable.

So, to expand on that explanation a bit more, to help understanding – the answer is:

  1. If we have the model, mean.acc ~ mean.self then this means that the outcome is mean.acc.
  • So if we are predicting change in outcome mean.acc, which is scaled 0-1, then we are looking at coefficients that will lie somewhere on the same scale (also 0-1).
  • Here: the model estimate suggests that each unit change in values of the variable mean.self predicts an increase of 0.053566 in mean.acc.
  1. Whereas if we have the model, mean.self ~ mean.acc then this means that the outcome is mean.self.
  • So if we are predicting change in outcome mean.self, which is scaled 1-9 , then we are looking at coefficients that will lie somewhere on the same scale (also 1-9).
  • Here: the model estimate suggests that unit change in mean.acc predicts increase of 5.5670 in mean.self.

Q.15. Can you plot the predictions from each model?

  • A.15. Here is the code to plot the predictions from both models.

First fit the models.

  • Remember to give each model object distinct names.
model.1 <- lm(mean.acc ~ mean.self,
              data = study.two.gen)

model.2 <- lm(mean.self ~ mean.acc,
            data = study.two.gen)

Second get the predictions:

dat.1 <- ggpredict(model.1, "mean.self")
dat.2 <- ggpredict(model.2, "mean.acc")

Third make the prediction plots:

  1. Predictions from the model mean.acc ~ mean.self
  1. Predictions from the model mean.self ~ mean.acc

Q.16. Look at the two plots: what do you see?

  • A.16. A side-by-side comparison shows that:
  1. For model mean.acc ~ mean.self increases in predictor mean.self from about 4 to 9 are associated with a change in outcome mean.acc from about .6 to about .85;
  2. For model mean.self ~ mean.acc increases in predictor mean.acc from about 0.4 to 1.0 are associated with a change in outcome mean.self from about 5 to about 9.

After you have fitted a linear model to examine what variables predict outcome mean self-rated accuracy of mean.self:

  • Including as predictors both numeric variables and categorical variables.

Then if you look at the model summary you can answer the following questions.

Q.17. Can you report the overall model and model fit statistics?

The model is:

model <- lm(mean.self ~ HLVA + SHIPLEY + FACTOR3 + AGE + mean.acc +
            data = study.two.gen)

lm(formula = mean.self ~ HLVA + SHIPLEY + FACTOR3 + AGE + mean.acc + 
    EDUCATION, data = study.two.gen)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-2.70987 -0.50037  0.01988  0.55965  2.01412 

                    Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)         0.487753   0.702049   0.695   0.4882    
HLVA                0.047100   0.034915   1.349   0.1792    
SHIPLEY            -0.044132   0.018719  -2.358   0.0196 *  
FACTOR3             0.061918   0.010771   5.749 4.29e-08 ***
AGE                 0.023997   0.005595   4.289 3.06e-05 ***
mean.acc            4.912833   0.712381   6.896 1.10e-10 ***
EDUCATIONHigher    -0.082217   0.146390  -0.562   0.5751    
EDUCATIONSecondary  0.346161   0.266030   1.301   0.1950    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.8783 on 164 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.5099,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.489 
F-statistic: 24.38 on 7 and 164 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16
  • A.17.

We fitted a linear model with mean self-rated accuracy as the outcome and with the predictors: health literacy (HLVA), vocabulary (SHIPLEY), reading strategy (FACTOR3), AGE, as well as mean accuracy (mean.acc) and education level (EDUCATION). The model is significant overall, with F(7, 164) = 24.38, p < .001, and explains 49% of variance (adjusted R2 = 0.489).

Q.18. Can you plot the predicted effect of EDUCATION given your model?

  1. We first fit the model, including EDUCATION.
model <- lm(mean.self ~ HLVA + SHIPLEY + FACTOR3 + AGE + mean.acc + EDUCATION,
            data = study.two.gen)
  1. We then use the ggpredict() function to get the prediction for the effect of EDUCATION differences on outcome mean.self.
dat <- ggpredict(model, "EDUCATION")

Q.19. Q.19. The plot should give you dot-and-whisker representations of the estimated mean.self outcome for different levels of EDUCATION. What is the difference in the estimated mean.self between the groups?

  • A.19. The difference in the estimated mean.self between these groups is small: the groups vary between ratings of about 7, 7.10 and 7.5.

Q.20. Compare the difference in the estimated mean.self between these groups, given the plot, with the coefficient estimate from the model summary: what do you see?

  • A.20. The effect of EDUCATION is presented in the summary as two estimates:

  • EDUCATIONHigher -0.082217

  • EDUCATIONSecondary 0.346161

The reference level for EDUCATION is Further.

The estimates therefore show that people with Higher education have mean.self scores about -.08 lower than mean.self for people with Further education.

People with Secondary education have mean.self scores about .35 higher than mean.self for people with Further education.

Online Q&A

You will find, below, a link to the video recording of the Week 18 online Q&A after it has been completed.

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